How can I be smarter with my natural gas royalty income?
That’s the question in many land owners’ minds right now.
The views and opinions expressed by participants do not reflect the views and opinions of Stone House Investment Management, LLC.
The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not investment or financial planning advice particular to any particular situation. Consult with your tax, financial, and legal consultants before executing any strategies or ideas contained in this video.
A discussion about the current state of the natural gas royalties flowing into our local area and how you, the natural gas lease owner, can be smarter with it today.
On the panel:
- Bill Ruark, Owner of Meshoppen Stone and Stone Hedge Golf Course
- John Burke, Managing Partner & Investment Manager at Stone House
- Bob Brown, Managing Partner & Investment Manager at Stone House
- Benjamin Denault Managing Partner & Certified Public Accountant at Stone House
About the Roundtable Participants

Owner of Meshoppen Stone and Stone Hedge Golf Course
Bill is a local business and landowner in the area, experienced with making impactful investment decisions every day as he grows his companies to be more profitable.

Managing Partner & Investment Manager at Stone House
John is Stone House’s resident “numbers guy.” He’s the one who gets excited to crunch numbers and study the ins and outs of the market on daily basis. He’s been on the Stone House team for over ten years and became a Managing Partner in 2015.

Managing Partner & Investment Manager at Stone House
Bob is one of Stone House’s founding partners and has been in the business of investment management for over twenty years now. In addition, he’s been a leading force in growing Stone House into a profitable, community-strengthening company.

Managing Partner & CPA
at Stone House
As a CPA, Ben brings to the roundtable an accountant’s perspective with expertise in handling tax filings and answering intricate tax-related questions. Ben has a real knack for understanding all facets of accounting and finding ways to be smart with your money.
Roundtable Highlights
In this special edition of Blue Collar Wealth presented by Stone House™, you’ll hear from a successful local entrepreneur and royalty owner, a CPA, and two money managers about the recent influx of natural gas royalties flowing into our local area here in Northeastern PA and their individual perspectives on what YOU, the natural gas lease owner, can do NOW, in today’s current economic climate, to be smarter with your money and ultimately, fuel your future more than ever before.
More Videos for Natural Gas Lease Owners
How to Break Down Your Monthly Royalty Checks
to Fuel Your Future
How to Keep More of
Your Money With
Smart Tax Planning
How Fuel Your Future
Planning With
Stone House Works
Watch the Entire Playlist on YouTube

*Future You reports are free for those 3 years away from retirement or less.
Free Online Webinar for Natural Gas Lease Owners
- How to stop “stashing” money and start BUILDING WEALTH.
- Two game-changing financial “hacks” to begin making the most out of your natural gas royalty income. — Super-charging your CDs — Covering your assets
- How to make smart long-term decisions about your natural gas royalty income by monitoring and valuing your mineral rights.
- The key to a healthy money mindset and why that can make all the difference.
- What questions to ask now and how to assemble a strong financial team ready to support you and your family.